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Imagine how much fun golf could be if you had a swing you could trust.​

Providing each student with the tools and knowledge to become a better golfer. 
  • We all have unique golf games
  • Improve your overall health 
  • Play golf at a new level

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Let me help you build a custom golf swing that works for you.

Daniel's teaching philosophy is based on the experience he has gained learning from some of the best and brightest minds in the golf world such as David Leadbetter, Butch Harmon, Mike Bender, Hank Haney, David Edel and Fred Shoemaker- just to name a few. He is a big believer in the uniqueness of all golfers and the need to coach the individual, rather than having a student conform to a certain model or method.

His approach to golf instruction is to teach the game using a skills-based system, to reduce variables and to coach his students on how to practice more effectively. A system, rather than a strict model or method of instruction, allows for the golfer's individuality to be preserved while fixing their most detrimental flaws all the while having fun!


Get personalized golf coaching from anywhere with the Golf Live app.

At Imagen Golf, we strive to provide the best possible golf instruction money can buy. Period. This isn't your typical robotic and intimidating lesson plan.

  • Swing Analysis
  • Active Instruction
  • Lesson Recap
  • Satisfaction Guarantee

"In a matter of 4 lessons & a few instructional conversations, I saw my score literally drop 6-8 strokes. He definitely has a way of not only identifying your swing, but explaining it. He can break down your mechanics to help identify your problem and strong areas – Totally recommended in my book.""

Justin Crenshaw

Roanoke, TX